569# Trend Channel System

Trend Channel ( Auto Trend Indicator)


Submit by Hermes2 22/05/2014


Trend Channel system is a manual trading strategy that was

designed to be very simple and very powerfull at the same time.

Unlike most trading systems found everywhere,this system is

tested for a long time and proved to be profitable even in worst

market conditions.


The reason for that is that was designed based on the most

powerful trading methods like trend following and wave


This system works with all time frames/pairs.

The system works with all time frames and all currencypairs.

But it’s recommendedto be used with major pairs, 15M – 30M

and 1H time frames.

It’s based on two price actions .. The first one is price’s trend. And the

second one is price’s wave.

To indentifythe trend we’re going to use three indicators:

1 – Trend Channel ( Auto Trend Indicator)

2 – Fast WPR Indicator

3 – Slow WPR Indicator

How to identify the trend ?

Up Trend: Auto trend channel shouldshow clear down

channel/angle.WPR slow/fast shouldgenerate RED bars.

Down Trend : Auto trend channelshould show clearup

channel/angle.WPR slow/fast shouldgenerateYELLOW bars.

Trend Channel ( Auto Trend Indicator)
Trend Channel ( Auto Trend Indicator)


To trade price waves, we’re going to use three indicators:

1 – Shi Channel Signals ( Red/BlueDots )

2 – Color MA Indicator( Red/BlueLine )

How to trade price waves?

When we get Red dot plus Red line = Down Trending Wave

When we see Yellow dot and Yellow line = Up Trending wave

First step is to identify the trend. Next step is to make sure that

current wave is moving in the same direction. Only then, we can

safely open a trade.

Trend Channel System
Trend Channel System


1 – We have Down TrendingChannel

2 – WPR Bars are RED

3 – We have a RED dot, plus RED line

That means accordingto current market conditionswe have a


Trend Channel System
Trend Channel System


In the example...

1 – We have Up Trending Channel

2 – WPR Bars are Yellow

3 – We have a Yellow dot, plus Yellow line

That means accordingto current market conditionswe have a



Exit position

When we should close the trade?

We can close the trade when we get an opposite signal or by

using Pivots targets indicator. Stop loss should be Below/Above Shi Channels Entry Dot, or last support/resistance level.

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