541# Dynamic Trend Indicators
Dynamic Trend & Daily Trend Indicators
Submit by DreamfX 27/02/2014
Dynamic Trend Indicators: Dynamic Trend & Daily Trend Indicators , these 2 Dynamic Trend indicators have slightly different engine rooms providing the signals although both have PRICE as the only point of reference.
Time Frame 5 min or higher.
Currency pairs any.
The Dynamic Trend in the top left of the chart shows the position of the current price compared to price points of reference over the last 24 hours where the Daily Dynamic shows the same type of information but covering the position of the price in reference to price points over the last 4 days therefore giving a longer term trend view. As seen in the above screenshot the Dynamic Trend shows that PRICE has run out of upward momentum and is moving weakly downward however the Daily Dynamic shows that the 4 day trend is still Strong UP. The Dynamic Trend indicator also has a built in Popup Alert Window which has a user selectable level of Alert Setting.
This screenshot shows a selection of Dynamic Trend & Daily Dynamic Trend Indicators and a display of some of the possible color combinations avaliable with the built in Auto color Selections this unique setup allows the User to change either the UP or DOWN colors with one input color change from out of the preset color range. The Dynamic shows the trend for the last 24 hours and the Daily Dynamic shows where current price is in relation to the previous 4 days including the current day. These indicators are purely PRICE driven and update in real time.
Dynamic Trend indicators

Write a comment
prasad (Sunday, 30 July 2017 07:00)
sir, i download and install this indicator, it is so nice to catch trends, but the right side barometer not displayed in chart as shown in the above image of your screenshot, please letme know the problem sir.
West (Saturday, 17 February 2018 10:58)
Sagar (Tuesday, 16 July 2019 16:25)
sir, i download and install this indicator, it is so nice to catch trends, but the right side barometer not displayed in chart as shown in the above image of your screenshot, please letme know the problem sir.
Kingace (Sunday, 23 June 2024 08:35)
Is it mt4 or mt5 indicator