513# Fx Foreign Exchange Trading System
Chaos Rsioma indicator with QQE Trading System
Submit by Buddy ( from an idea of Xard777 great trader and programmer) 10/11/2013
Fx Foreign Exchange Trading System is swing trading system trend following it's based from two indicators in the same window Rsioma and QQE.
RSIOMA is an indicator of force of markets that derive from RSI,
QQE is an trend indicator.
Time Frame 15 min or higher
Currency pairs: major
Metatrader indicators:
4X 2010 Gann Indicator (Lb 52, LB, 13),
4X 2010 Semafor indicator,
4X 2010 info,
4X 2010 Xard Meter,
Chaos RSIOMA indicator(7,3,4,7,3),
Laurer indicator, (this indicator sucks a lot of ram from your computer ),
Ferruxfx multi info THV indicator,
QQE alert MTF (Current time frame smooting 15),
SEFC 05,
SEFC 10.
RSIOMA crosses upward QQE alert MTF;
4X 2010 Gann Indicator line is green color;
Semafor has formed green dot;
SEFC10 has formed support line (aqua color);
laurer has formed support line (doger blue color).
RSIOMA crosses downward QQE alert MTF;
4X 2010 Gann Indicator line is gred color;
Semafor has formed red dot;
SEFC10 has formed support line (magenta color);
laurer has formed support line (red color).
Exit position is discretionary.

Chaos Rsioma indicator with QQE Trading System
visut (Saturday, 10 February 2018 07:09)