506# ITM Financial sig alert Trading System
ITM financial sig alert indicator metatrader 4
ITM Financial sig alert indicator (standard use).
Time Frame 15min or higher.
Currency pair:any.
Long Entry
Buy at the open of the second green bar of the ITM financial sig alert indicator.
Short Entry
Sell at the open of the second red bar of the ITM financial sig alert indicator.

ITM Financial sig alert indicator as filter of Overbougth and Oversold
Time Frame 15 min or higher.
Currency pair:any
forex indicator:
ITM financial sig alert indicator (level overbought and oversold +160 & -160);
IStochasticTXT indicator (5,3,20).
when the ITM financial sig alert indicator go in oversold area, wait the first buy arrow of the IStochasticTXT indicator.
when the ITM financial sig alert indicator go in overbought area, wait the first sell arrow of the IStochasticTXT indicator.
Exit position options:
Fast Profit Target predetermind that depends by Currency pair and time frame (example: EUR/USD 15 min TF PT=8 pips, 30 min TF PT= 12 pips, 60 min TF PT= 15 pips, 240 min TF PT= 25 pips) ;
Profit Target at the middle line of the bollinger bands.
Place initial stop loss 15 pips or more below lower band of the BB for buy and 15 pips or more above the upper band of the BB.
In the pictures below ITM Financial sig alert indicator as filter of Overbougth and Oversold.
احمد نوساز (Saturday, 13 June 2020 11:52)
many thanks
siyabonga (Monday, 12 March 2018 11:36)
Good day,
I have tried to intall the ITM sigalert but it sows somthing else it does not even have the bollinger bands could someone please help me.I would highly appreciate.
siyabonga (Saturday, 10 March 2018 00:01)
Can I please recieve a Zip folder of ITM SIG ALERT INDICATOR as the compressed file archive 14.7 KB does not work on my laptop