313# FX MATRIX PRO Trading System

FX Matrix

Submit by Maximo Trader 03/04/2012


FxMatrixPro And Why?

Trend is your best friend…..I am a trend Trader……but I take short rides-short journey……Because my account size is small so I can’t afford huge loss or big SL…..So, I accept maximum 10-20 SL for each Trade….I prefer TF 1M or 5M….beccoz bigger the TF>bigger the SL>bigger the loss…smaller the TF>smaller the SL>smaller the loss….So, this system satisfies my needs and wants…. This system is all about catching and predicting Trend….just look at all images you will know how easy to define the trend and predict the next trend or change of trend….

Defining the Trend (see Introduction Image)

In the “Introduction of the System” image I marked all my indicators….plz read them to understand my system….my first job is to defining the trend correctly….how do I define the trend?

If Standard Deviation Channels (SDC) are in the uptrend and SMA (Period 20 with OHLC/4) is in the same direction then I call that a uptrend….if MA (Trend Alex –at the bottom), FXTraderPro T or R (at the very bottom) and other Indicators (at top right corner) of Different TF are Green I call that a Pure Uptrend….and Vice Versa…..

when I am happy with the trend I take trade (see 1st image – pure example of a good trede)…..it need not to be a pure trend……if it is a pure trend I make my move more aggressively by increasing lot…..if I am not happy with the trend or it is a conflicting trend I don’t take any trade….

Conflicting Trend (see the Conflicting Trend Image and the Next Image) 

When SCD is in the Uptrend and SMA is in the Down-Trend I call that a Conflicting Trend….it’s always better not to take any kind of trade in this type of situation….becoz this could be an indication of trend change…see the example….how I avoided and predict the next trend….also try to avoid taking trade when there is not trend or it is in Range (see last two examples or Images)….but if you can predict what could be the upcoming trend then make your move with tight SL….sometimes we could miss big waves by avoiding conflicting trend or Range but don’t be greedy….

thing about the opposite.…that may give you a consolation….and Forex will be here for us forever….don’t rush…


When I am happy with the uptrend and Volty Channel Stop (VCS) gives me a White Circle I take only Long….but before I make my move I look at the 1M TF’s situation….in 1Min TF I must have VCS in the upward…if VCS is in the downward then I wait for the next white circle to appear in 1M TF to take my Long….and Vice Versa…


With 5M TF I set my SL 10-15 and I Exit my Position in the next Signal….if I take long, I exit when Red Circle appears in my 5M TF….and Vice Versa…..sometimes I take a trade with SL 10, PT 10 and lot 0.1….then I start increasing Lot like 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and so on until I hit my PT 10….but I suggest you to do it when you are comfortable with the system….however, that strategy works very well as well…becoz of good ratio of Win/loss…..


It is a very simple system for small traders….almost 7 out of 10 trades click….becoz you are catching the trend but making small journey…..system will tell you whether trend is in up, down or range….and you will act accordingly….and Haikin Ashi will help you not to panic….don’t trade High spread with this system in Small TF…..if you use it for High spread use a 20 SL….you can try it with all time Frames…..works with all time frame very very well…..but adjust your SL according to your TF……just give it a try, this system wouldn’t disappoint you…..just trust me it wouldn’t….

Remember One thing if you are not happy with the trend don’t trade…..don’t fight against the trend or market….go with the flow….and don’t be emotional.....listen to your brain not your heart….and this system will help you to do so….

always always always remember - No Trade is a Part of Trade


SDC = UPTrend

SMA = UpTrend

VCS = White Circle

If Pure Up Trend = High Risk with big lot (optional)


SDC = DownTrend

SMA = DownTrend

VCS = Red Circle

If Pure DownTrend = High Risk with big lot (optional)


IF Long = Red Circle

If Short = White Circle

Or MM with 10-15 SL and 10-15 PT (optional)

In the pictures FX MATRIX PRO forex system in action.

FX Matrix Pro Forex Trading System

Forex Trading System
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Comments: 12
  • #1

    Masroor (Saturday, 03 May 2014 13:17)

    Thanks for sharing your best knowledge & strategy to proceed interesting people. But one thing it might be good to recommend and give some rules for ranging also. Could you plz share if you have the knowledge in this regard. Thanks in advance!

  • #2

    mark (Wednesday, 04 June 2014 19:26)

    hi, i have been using this on a demo,working ok added a couple of other indicators.My question is on the rght hand side under the bars theres a golden coloured number that has been going up and down.. can u tell me what it is for

  • #3

    warren buffet (Friday, 26 February 2016 12:34)

    i made my first million using this technique.

  • #4

    octavious (Wednesday, 11 November 2020 06:46)

    hi there hope you well i will like to get the PDF of this strategy so that i can learn it please it look intresting to me

  • #5

    Tee (Sunday, 22 November 2020 15:31)

    How to install

  • #6

    Livhu (Tuesday, 02 February 2021 12:58)

    Is it compatible on mt5?

  • #7

    Ferhard Rebek (Friday, 04 June 2021 19:45)

    Thanks for the logic & straightforward system man! God bless!

  • #8

    Андрей (Monday, 05 February 2024 19:43)

    Слушай админ весь этот форекс похож откравенно на развод полной воды я сколько раз замечал за форекс брокером такие шаги и постоянно ломятся ко мне в терминал проверяют все ли у меня в минусе или нет -а если нет то надо обязательно какую-нибудь гадость выкинуть или шпильку или спредами завалят если сделку несколько дней держишь открытой и ниодного точного индикатора все примерно а если и есть нормальные индикаторы то они их попросту банят не поскают в терминал- лично проверял!!!

  • #9

    Андрей (Monday, 05 February 2024 19:50)

    По-моему форекс -это просто крыса которая хочет у тебя все выманить все деньги больше никак это назвать нельзя-ну невозможно там заработать и все примерно хрень полная-так не бывает-я знаю что есть системы и точные индикаторы здесь ну скажем они будут предугадывать процентов 90-95-пусть они платные -лишь бы был толк!!!

  • #10

    Андрей (Monday, 05 February 2024 20:00)

    Моя цель на форексе -находить тренды в самом начале и закрывать на самом верху где вишенки на торте -причем на любом таймфрейме начиная с М1!!!

  • #11

    Андрей (Monday, 05 February 2024 20:07)

    Я просто тестирую разные системы на прочность -надо чтобы даже на М1 система работала как часы -тогда уже можно говорить о более поздних таймфреймах скажем H1-пока система рисует или запаздывает на H1 делать нечего 100% убытки будут вообще колосальные и будет слив 100%-я этого не хочу -от слова совсем!!!

  • #12

    Андрей (Monday, 05 February 2024 20:16)

    А если -эти горе програмисты не умеют создавать новое интересное для познания -пусть идут вагоны тогда разгружать -раз не умеют писать нормально индикаторы и советники-а то пишут всякую хрень -все одно и тоже берут старые неработающие индикаторы изменяют название системы и она якобы другая -на самом деле нет-индюки одни и теже и ничего в конце концов кроме полного слива депозита увидеть просто невозможно!!!