304# ZIG ZAG Parabolic and Rsioma Strategy

Parabolic on Zig Zag indicator

Submit by joy22 16/02/2012


Time frame H1

Currency pairs:all


RSIOMA v.2 (11),

Parabolioc on ZIG ZAG,

Support and Resistance 4H,

Zig ZAG,


Long Entry:
1. RSIoma cross up .
2 . ZIGZAG Indicator have complete its patteren.
3. ZigZagOnParabolic dot is below the candle.

4 RSI Bars is Blu

Short Entry:
1. RSIoma cross down .
2 . ZIGZAG Indicator have complete its patteren.
3. ZigZagOnParabolic dot is above the candle.

4 RSI Bars is Blu

Exits position:
We use support and resistance indicators for Profit Target.
Sto loss last swing High or Low.

In the pictures ZIG ZAG Parabolic and Rsioma Strategy forex system in action.

Zig Zag parabolioc and RSIOMA Trading system: Indicators and Templete

Zig Zag parabolioc and RSIOMA Indicators and Templete
Forex Trading System
Zig Zag parabolioc and RSIOMA.rar
compressed file archive 27.4 KB

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Comments: 2
  • #2

    h (Monday, 21 July 2014 15:57)


  • #1

    Martin Schulz (Sunday, 06 July 2014 23:26)

    Thank you very much but where is the Template ?
    best regards

Parabolic Sar Forex Strategies