15# Ademola Forex Trading System
Submit by JanusTrader (Written by; Ademola Oladoja)
Forex trading can be classified among the most risky investments that exist, the most profitable and the most unpredictable.
The above is the very reason why the term ‘Holy Grail’ is considered a myth as most traders believe the system of trading forex without Heavy risk, Fear and Anxiety does not exist due to failures experienced while trying loads of methods in times past.
I believe DIFFICULTis a relative term, IMPOSSIBLE does not exist andFAILUREis never a failure until you decide not to try again.
By the time you’re through with this report, let’s see whether you’ll agree with me that;
A Holy Grail Exists
The Holy Grail Has Been Found
The Holy Grail is not even one System, there are different approaches to it
(This may sound funny) the discovery of the Holy Grail may be through a ‘child’ not a ‘forex professional’.
Before reading any further please know that this system requires discipline, and faith. Never close a position before the target is reached.
And keep in tune with God Almighty, He is the one that revealed the system to me, the master minder of all secrets.
This Manual is dedicated to God Almighty, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ the son of God.
The market moves in trends, the trend can be bullish (upward), bearish (downward) or Horizontal (sideways).
The approach of this system does not care which direction the price wants to move, it is more concerned about making a minimum of 40pips per day from the forex markets.
When using this system the concept is; your success is not in the number of pips you make but in the volume you entered in.
Other attachments that come with this manual are;
1. Continuous automatic pivot calculator (Which works on
metatrader platforms only).
2. An average daily range calculator, Average weekly range calculator and Average monthly range calculator (Also works on metatrader platforms only).
For the range calculators, I have already done my research to discover the pairs this system work with. (you may use it to research more on your own).
The currency pairs this system work with are;
Pick the vertical line from the tool bar and demarcate the previous day from the present day make sure the line shows the present day’s first candlestick at 00:00 Hours.
Pick the horizontal line from the tool bar and divide the first candle of the present day into two. Call this line; line X
Count 40 pips above line X and draw another horizontal line exactly 40 pips above line X and call this line; line X1.
Count another 40pips above line X1 and draw your horizontal line X2 exactly 40pips above line X1.
Count 40pips below line X and draw a horizontal line exactly 40 pips below line X, call this line; line X3.
Count another 40 pips below line X3 and draw a horizontal line exactly 40pips below line X3.
Your Chart should look like this;
In the picture Ademola forex system in action.

Line X is the starting point, allow price to dance between line X1 and X3 until it picks its direction for the day.
Set your buy stop on line X1’s price value, your take profit must be at line X2, stop loss must be at line X4.
Set your sell stop on line X3’s price value, your take profit must be at line X4, stop loss must be at line X2.
Price could trigger your buy order and hit your take profit of 40 pips.
Price could trigger your sell order and hit your take profit of 40 pips.
Price could trigger both your buy order and your sell order, hit both take profit zones, giving you a profit of 80 pips.
Price could hit your buy order and not reach your take profit, come back downwards 80 pips to hit your sell order and give you a loss of 80 pips.
Price could hit your sell order and not reach your take profit, come back upwards 80 pips to hit your buy order and give you a loss of 80 pips.
Instance 4 and 5 happens around thrice a month in the currency pairs this system works with.
To reduce the number of Instance 4 and 5 in a month, repeat the pending orders explained above immediately you take your first profit for the day making the triggered take profit your next starting point. That is your line X.
With this system, you can catch 40 pips out of every 81pips price movement no matter the direction it goes. But let’s just say 90pips to be on the safe side, 90 pips was the criteria I used when doing my research, price can have up trends for three months, moving thousands of pips upwards or downwards.
Once the direction has started these pairs find it difficult moving 80 pips in the opposite direction in the same day.
Consequently, if the price moves 1000pips upward or downwards in a month, you’ll have the chance of catching almost 500 pips during such a month.
If you will use this system you need to rule out greed. Below is the blue print for entering positions when using this system;
The Account below starts with 400USD and after 15 Trades became 4,440USD. Please stick to the rules of this system. Don’t be too much in a hurry.
Trade 400USD
1. 80USD (0.2) LOTS
2. 80USD (0.2) LOTS
3. 80USD (0.2) LOTS
4. 120USD (0.3) LOTS
5. 120USD (0.3) LOTS
1. 160USD (0.4) LOTS
2. 160USD (0.4) LOTS
3. 200USD (0.5) LOTS
4. 240USD (0.6) LOTS
5. 280USD (0.7) LOTS
1. 360USD (0.9) LOTS
2. 400USD (1.0) LOTS
3. 480USD (1.2) LOTS
4. 600USD (1.5) LOTS
5. 680USD (1.7) LOTS
You are expected to use half of your buying power in setting both trades. This enables you to enter a hedge when instance 4 and 5 above occurs.
Never wait for price to cut X1 or X3 and use all your buying power.
The above blue print does not guarantee that you’ll win 15 Trades consecutively; it is a guide to help you when entering positions.
In the instance that you decided to follow price by setting another trade, making your first take profit of the day your point X then repeating the procedure, such trades usually last till the following day.
What I do
I reset the trades the following day by determining my first candle for the present day, delete the inactive pending orders of yesterday and take my profit from the present running trade as set yesterday.
Shift the stop loss of yesterday’s trade to be the same as today’s pending order counterpart.
Instances where you see a reversal pattern you can close yesterday’s trade immediately.
If it is a continuation pattern, that’s double profits for you today
If you don’t understand how to read charts, then just leave it set along with today’s trade.
I started trading Forex in year 2007, The material above is not a product of years of experience but an inspiration from God.
You have a choice, to keep sending me emails for more information and secrets or to connect to the source of my secret, JESUS. The choice is yours.
Please mail me after using this system. Did it really worth $1000 USD after all? Did you see results amounting more than its cost?
I’ll be glad to hear from you.
Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.
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Write a comment
trias (Saturday, 29 March 2014 11:53)
can you send your EA to me please. i need the ea for donation also. frx@gmail.com
thank you very much
aimade (Tuesday, 16 December 2014 16:39)
Great job.
Which time frame does this system works?
GIMOINVEST (Saturday, 27 December 2014 23:59)
Hallo Trias,
ich habe das System getestet,
leider funktioniert dieses System in heutigen Forex-Markt nicht mehr.
Alle Werte müssen individuell je Währung angepasst bzw. überarbeitet werden.
Studiere die Grundlagen seines Handelsansatzes und entwickele ein eigenes Tradingsystem.
im 1 Stunden Chart!
willam (Thursday, 14 January 2016 02:05)
Which time frame does his work
Luckybest (Sunday, 21 July 2019 23:45)
Please, I wish to connect you on WhatsApp +2348063001626
Ifeanyi (Wednesday, 26 February 2020 01:02)
I want the book
Johnny (Saturday, 02 January 2021 07:34)
can you send your EA to me please. i need the ea for donation also. frx@gmail.com
thank you very much mybravo75@yahoo.com
Sunday Olayemi OLUSOLA (Sunday, 05 September 2021 23:39)
To trade this strategy, sir, what is the time frame of the first candle of the current day . Is it 30m 1hr or 4hr . I mean the candle to be divided into two by our horizontal lines.