583# FX Strategy Trading System

Intraday Trading with FX Strategy

Submit by Dimitry 06/2017


So, we open the chart, for example, EUR / USD the period on which we will work (M5, M15, M30, H1) and we need to attach our

template. Right click the mouse, we click on the graph, then select TEMPLATE >>> Fx_strategiya, more details on the picture below:


After that, we should get the following picture:

FX Strategy Trading System
FX Strategy Trading System

Now our system is ready to work.

I'll tell you a few tips on using the system's signals:

Use liquid pairs with minimal spreads

Work from 11.00 to 22.00 MSC, namely the London and New York sessions

Work on the M5 or M15 period

Use for trading not more than 5% of the deposit

Simultaneously work with a small number of couples to control everything.

Rules of the system for input and output:

1. The first signal system, when you should pay attention to the graph. There is an audio signal from the FX_2 indicator, which indicates


Change of trend, more details on the picture below:

 FX Strategy Trading System
FX Strategy Trading System

2. The second signal - the audio signal of the indicator FX_6 comes out, namely - an arrow appears, indicating also the direction

Trend and the two movingheads intersected (the yellow crosses the white from the bottom upwards points to the bye, and the top down to the sell)

3. All the sound signals from us have come out - now we check the other indicators so that they agree. The full signal will be

Next, in detail on the picture about the input on the buy:

If at least one indicator does not agree, we are not entering the market. We looked at the entrance to the bye. Accordingly, the signal on the signal

Completely opposite!

Indicators FX_8 (4,8,9) and FX_8 (6,13,9) will help you to define a flat in which it is difficult to work - if you see coloring

Indicators in yellow - it means the market is sluggish and not worth the risk!

  1. We exit either TP or by the opposite signal.

  2. TP I expose 15-25pp, if the trend continues, and you see that it will go even higher and the signal remains, you can move TP for every 10pp or fix the profit.

If you see that the trend loses its strength, the indicators start to vary and there appears either an opposite arrow

Or FX_2 changes color, the signal is expected to change and we need to go out and wait for the next signal to enter.

To begin with, I recommend working on a cent account and merging with the system together! Own it professionally! And only then

To enter the market with large sums!

If you have any questions then write!


Translated from Russian with Google translate.

In the pictures FX Strategy Trading System in action.

FX Strategy Trading System
FX Strategy Trading System
FX Strategy Trading System
FX Strategy Trading System
Comments: 2
  • #2

    mike (Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:08)

    dimitry , thank you for sharing , but Fx 2 and 8 are repaint indicators ?

  • #1

    george (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 14:15)

    Good Dimitry ! Thank for this interesting system.
    A question for you : Fx_2 and Fx8 indicators does repaint ?
    Thank you for your kind reply.

FX system.rar
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