510# Intraday signals
Profitable Trading Intraday
Submit by Tim 11/03/2016
Intraday signals are two similar indicators for trading intraday. All two indicators are profitable.
First indicator: Simple intraday (my favourite).
Financial Markets: any.
Template metatrader setting:
Simple intraday indicator.
With two moving averages 13 EMA and 3 MA smoothed.
Buy if trend is up and the price action touches level buy.
Sell if trend is down and the price action touches level buy.
Exit market, to the target indicated on the chart.
Initial stop loss 20 pips. When the price reaches the first target to move the stop at -10 pips.
Setting indicator target metatrader broker 5 digits:
EUR/USD 120 250,
GBP/USD 150, 300,
USD/CHF 100, 200
AUD/USD 100, 200,
Dow Jones 30, 50,
Dax 20, 40,
USD/CAD 150, 300,
USD/JPY 140, 280.
Second indicator
Intraday Signals, this indicator is similar at the previous but there are also
indicates levels of stop loss.
Templatete setting:
Intraday signals with 100 CCI.
Trades only in the direction of the trend.
Trend up and CCI 100 >0;
Trend down and CCI <-100;
In the pictures the Intraday Signals indicators in actions.
Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy
Roman (Monday, 07 September 2020 17:38)
Very interesting indicators. Work in MT-4, build 1280.
Zandi (Thursday, 28 November 2019 16:42)
Tren naik dan CCI 100> 0; ini maksudnya dari 0 keatas menuju 100 bahkan lebih ya
Tren turun dan CCI <100; ini kurang dari 100 apakah di bawah 0 alias negatif 1 atau gimana ya? mohon bisa di jelaskan. terima kasih
Lazarus Makitla- lazarusmakitla63@gmail.com (Wednesday, 12 June 2019 21:10)
I like to trade on intraday but I cannot get daily signals
sathyanarayanan (Monday, 29 October 2018 17:46)
i am interested in your intraday indicator 2
please share me the code
mail me to sathyanirmal69@gmail.com