497# Smart Money Index Trading
Smart Index Trading
Submit by Orazio 30/12/2015
Smart Money Index Trading is an intraday trading system trend-momentum based on the Smart Money Index Indicator and two entry arrow indicators.
Time frame 5 min or 15 min.
Currency pairs:any.
Metatrader Indicators:
Dynamic bull and bear band (Band 1: Dev 2, Band 2, Dev , Band 3: Dev 4)
Gann Support and resistance,
Swing Trader arrow,
Smart Money Index,
Hypertrend indicator,
Trading rules Smart money index trading.
In this strategy there are two differents arrow: Swing arrow and Hipertrend arrow.
First approach
Trading only in direction of the Smart Money Index.
Hypertrend buy arrow confirmed by Smart Money Index with green bar.
Swing Trader arrow buy confirmed by Smart Money Index with green bar.
Hypertrend buy arrow confirmed by Smart Money Index with red bar.
Swing Trader arrow buy confirmed by Smart Money Index with red bar.
Second approach
When the price go in lower bands zone wait the buy arrow.
When the price go in upper band zone wait the sell arrow.
Do not open more than one position in the same direction
Exit place 10-15 pips of stop below/above the entry bar.
Make profit with profit target predetermined at the opposite arrow.
In the pictures Smart Money Index Trading in action.

Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy
Matt (Wednesday, 14 November 2018 15:13)
Do any of these indicators repaint? Sorry to ask!
Matt (Wednesday, 14 November 2018 03:15)
Does the Hypertrend indicator repaint? Strategy looks interesting btw.
John (Thursday, 15 March 2018 12:27)
Hi Moderator.. I jumped the gun!
please delete my last comment.. there must have been a mis-download somehow when I first downloaded this indi.. tried again and now see the proper contents. Thank you!
John (Thursday, 15 March 2018 12:23)
Hi Orazio and others,
Interesting strategy because I am using exactly the same keltner channel.. however.. you have not included any indicators except the 'Smart_Money_Index.mq4', which looks nothing like the one in the pictures.
Where is the 'Swing Trader Arrow', especially? I searched and found the keltner channel (dynamic bull and bear bands) and the 'volatility hypertrend' indi.
Thanks for the idea anyway - but I already had that.