483# Jago Trading

Multisignal trading

Submit by Koly 07/09/2015 Written by IMAM NATAKUSUMA

This trading system is based on more signals for buy and sell with  filters.

This is a trend-momentum strategy.

Time frame 1 min or higher.

Currency pairs any , (for intraday trading with low spread).

time used to open positon the technical normally done if there is no news / movement candle extreme. So if you do not use on certain hours

trading with technical engineering. but we trading with the use of engineering news

1. zona market asia 7-8 morning hours

2. Zone of europe market hours 1:30 to 2:30 afternoon

3. American zone jam 7:30 to 9:00 night

Metatrader Indicators:

Stochastic (8,3,3),

Signal Bars,

Brian Trend,

Bollinger Band Stop ( BB Stop 8,1),

Cleon Heiken Ashi,

GST Signal,GWS Zig Zap Point,

Super Signal V2.a

Volatility Quality,

Zig Zag

Trading rules

(Trandslate with google)


Super signal if there in circle already apperead and followed by color sotp BB Band yellow line point and followed by orchid orange color red arrow small then was also open position sell.

(jika super-signal yang ada didalam lingkaran

sudah muncul dan diikuti oleh bband stop warna

kuning garis titik garis titik serta diikuti oleh

anggrek jingga warna panah merah kecil maka

saat itu juga silahkan open position sell.)


So also when otherwise out super bband stop signal and color green and orchid

orange blue then please open position buy. the technique to open such positon

trading with the technical.

jika sudah keluar super

signal dan bband stop warna hijau serta anggrek

jingga warna biru maka silahkan open position

buy. secara teknik seperti itu cara open positon

dengan trading secara teknikal.

In the pictures trading examples.

Jago Trading
Jago Trading
Jago Trading
Jago Trading


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