360# Rainbow Magic Trading System

Rainbow Trading system



Submit by Freddy 11/07/2013 Written by HigHBahagia but Maximo Trader has applied another trading style.


This Trading system is based on the rainbow metatrader indicators.


Time Frame 15 min or higher,

Currency pairs:any.


Metatrader Indicators:

Candle non repaint indicator;

P magic rainbow-v1;

P magic rainbow-v2;

P magic rainbow-v3;

P magic rainbow-v4;

P magic rainbow-v5;

P magic rainbow-v6;

P magic rainbow-v7;

ZZ not repaint.


Rules:Magic Rainbow



  1. Buy arrow above Yellow line.

  2. P magic rainbow-v2> blue line (Buy Zone).

  3. P magic rainbow-v7 candle >0.

  4. Do not trades when there are yellow line and red line.


  1. Sell arrow belw Purple line.

  2. P magic rainbow-v2< blue line (Sell Zone).

  3. P magic rainbow-v7 candle <0.

  4. Do not trades when there are purple line line and blue line.


Exit Position

at the oppsite arrow or when P magic rainbow is >0<;

Profit Target time frame 15 min 15-20 pips.


In the pictures belowRainbow Magic Trading System  in action. Trading Style Maximo Trader.


Rainbow Magic Trading System

Rainbow Magic Trading System
Rainbow Magic Trading System

In the pictures belowRainbow Magic Trading System  in action. Trading Style HigHBahagia

Rainbow Magic Trading System
Rainbow Magic Trading System
Rainbow Magic Trading System
Rainbow Magic Trading System indicators and template
magic rainbow.rar
compressed file archive 227.9 KB
Rainbow Magic Trading System
Rainbow Magic Trading System


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Comments: 6
  • #1

    Marc (Thursday, 11 July 2013 14:59)

    My Metatrader has difficulty to show the template, and the platform almost got stuck.

  • #2

    Forextradingstrategiesresources (Thursday, 11 July 2013 16:12)

    This trading system needs a lot of ram. or a good CPU. Sucks ram. Maximo Trader moderator and Trader FSR

  • #3

    joe es (Friday, 20 September 2013 04:52)

    hey it's works, i make money 10000 $ a day using this usefull method. thanks, keep works dude.

  • #4

    Suds (Wednesday, 23 October 2013 13:51)

    Hi joe es can you tell what rules you trade to make 10000 $ a day and what timeframe

  • #5

    bhatti (Sunday, 12 January 2014 10:13)

    this system looks good but when i have installed it..the template has been expired..can anyone send the updated one

  • #6

    luis ronald huaygua cori (Monday, 22 April 2024 04:33)

    obrigado mais
    eu baxe os indicadores tambem o templet
    mais elis estan expirados pode mi mandar a actualicacao dos indicadores obrigado