334#Volatility Scalping System

Volatility Trend Strategy

Submit by Maximo Trader 11/05/2013


Time Frame: 15 min, 30min.

Currency pairs:any.

Market Hours:00:06-22:00 GMT.


Metatrader indicators:

Volatility indicator (with moving average 5 period);

Exponential Moving Average (EMA 11);

Exponential Moving Average (EMA 30);

Pivot Points Levels.


Long Entry

Filter 11 EMA>30EMA only buy.

Buy when 5 EMA>Volatility indicator above the withe level.


Short Entry

Filter 11 EMA<30EMA only sell.

Sell when 5EMA<Volatility indicator above the withe level.


Exit Position

Profit Target 8-15 pips or Pivot Levels.

Stop Loss on the previous Swing.



In the pictures below Volatility Scalping System in action.

Volatility Scalping System
Volatility Scalping System
Volatility Scalping System
Volatility Scalping System


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Comments: 1
Volatility Scalping System
Trading System based on volatilty of the marketes.
Volatility Scalping System.rar
compressed file archive 19.2 KB

Volatility Trading System