271# Scalping with ADX, Starlight, CCI and moving averages.

Scalping Trend

Submit by Janus Trader 21/12/2012


Time Frame 5min or higher

Currecy pairs majors.


Metatrader indicators

Moving average smoothed 25;

LWMA 40;

Color CCI 20 :Buy level 90;Sell level -90;

Kuskus Starlightv.2 (p eriod 14.smooth 0.30);

ADX filter (14),level (20);

All pivot.


UP TrendLWMA 40> MA smoothed 25.

Down Trend LWMA40<MA smoothd 25.


Buy :
Last High should be above the MA smoothed 25 and LWMA 40;
Price >moving average 25 smoothed;
Price > LWMA 40 
ADX filter green 20;
CCI > 90;
Kuskus Starlight>0.

Sell :
Last High should be above the MA smoothed 25 and LWMA 40;
Price <moving average 25 smoothed;
Price < LWMA 40 
ADX filtergreen dot;
CCI < -90;
Kuskus Staralight<0.

Exit Rules-

First option when changes the trend (i prefer this option)



In the pictures Scalping with ADX, Sterlight CCI and moving Averagein action.

Scalping Trend
Scalping Trend
Scalping Trend
Scalping Trend
Scalping Trend
Scalping Trend


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Comments: 1
  • #1

    farhad (Sunday, 21 June 2015 22:50)

    very good tunk

Scalping with ADX, Sterlight CCI and moving Average
scalping with adx, starlight, cci and moving averages is based on two moving averages LWMA 40 and MA 25 smoothed. Other indicators are: CCI, ADX filter and starlight.
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Scalping Forex Strategies: 5 minute Forex strategies