171# ISAKAS II Trading System

BBands Trading System

Submit by KonKer (Written  Osentogg, source TDS Forum) 13/01/2012


TimeFrame 30

Currency Pair: all

and the important thing here now 

SL need to set lower than TP

refers to the pairs range volatility.


for GJ and EJ = SL 40 = TP 50

others = SL 30 =TP 35

or just follow the nonlagdot colors changing..

Entry Buy

- bbands blue, fisher blue, flattrend blue, nonlagdot blue.

Entry Sell

- bbands red, fisher red, flattrend red, nonlagdot red.




In the picture Isakas 2 trading system in action.


Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.

Comments: 1
  • #1

    fady (Saturday, 16 February 2019 22:17)

    thanks for sharing

ISAKAS 2 Trading System
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