156# H1 Forex Scalper

Submit by JanusTrader (Written by SwingMan, forex guru, on the ForexFactory Forum)15/12/2012


See Manual

From autor:

I am very older one, and the only distraction in my age are slot machines like the DashBoard. 
I know, you are a young man, and you know without seeing any chart 
- which pair is the best to trade and has the best trend
- if we have chosed a pair to trade, if the time to enter is now, in one hour, or in two hours.
- if the trends on upper time frames supports our trade decision in the current time frame or not (like Dr. Elder with his triple time frames, or other autors)
The system IS a triple screen system: trading on H1, entrys on M5, confirmation on D1.”




In the pictures H1 forex Scalper trading system in action.


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H1 Scalper Trading System
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 79.1 KB
Basket Trader v 5.1
BasketTrader v5.1.zip
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 159.8 KB
H1Scalper Daily.rar
compressed file archive 1.5 KB
h1scalper dashboard_v2.rar
compressed file archive 2.8 KB
H1Scalper DashBoard_v2.1.rar
compressed file archive 31.3 KB
H1Scalper DashBoard_v2.5
H1Scalper DashBoard_v2.5.rar
compressed file archive 35.3 KB
H1Scalper Hourly
H1Scalper Hourly.rar
compressed file archive 1.5 KB
MA in Color 21sma high shift+1
MA in Color 21sma high shift+1.rar
compressed file archive 989 Bytes
MA in Color 21sma low shift
MA in Color 21sma low shift+1.rar
compressed file archive 987 Bytes
H1 scalper Full explanation
H1 scalper Full explanation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 257.8 KB
H1 scalper Full explanation 2
H1 scalper Full explanation 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 302.8 KB
TRADING IDEAS explanations
TRADING IDEAS explanations 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 369.4 KB


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