44# Murrey Math Trading System

Murrey Math Line

Murrey Math Support Resistanve line

Submit by Forexstrategiesresources


System Rules

1. Line 8/8 и 0/8 (Ultimate Support and Ultimate Resistance).

Those lines are the most strong concerning Support and resistance.

2. Line 7/8 (Weak, Place to Stop and Reverse).

This line is weak. If suddenly the price was going too fast and too far and stops around this line it means the price will reverse down very soon. If the price did not stop near this line this price will continue the movement to the line 8/8.

3. Line 1/8 (Weak, Place to Stop and Reverse).

This line is weak. If suddenly the price was going too fast and too far and stops around this line it means the price will reverse up very soon. If the price did not stop near this line this price will continue the movement down to the line 0/8.

4. Line 2/8 and 6/8 (Pivot, Reverse)

Those two lines yield the line 4/8 only to the strength to reverse the price movement.


5. Line 5/8 (Top of Trading Range)

The price is spending the about 40% of the time on the movement between the lines 5/8 and 3/8. If the price is moving near line 5/8 and stopping near the line during the 10 - 12 days so it means that it is necessary to sell in this "bonus zone" (some people are doing like this) but if the price is keeping the tendency to stay above 5/8 line, so it means that the price will be above. But if the price is droping below 5/8 line it means that the price will continue falling to the next level of resistance.

6. Line 3/8 (Bottom of Trading Range).

If the price is below this line and in uptrend it means that it will be very difficult for the price to break this level. If the price broke this line during the uptrend and staying above during the 10- 12 days it means that the price will be above this line during the 40% of its time moving between this line and 5/8 line.
7. Line 4/8 (Major Support/Resistance Line).

It is the major line concerning support and resistance. This leve is the better for the new sell or buy. It is the strong level of support of the price is above 4/8. It is the fine resistance line if the price is below this 4/8 line.

To see file in attach for an explanation.

Trading System: Murrey MatH line x

Trading System:Murrey_Math_Line_X
compressed file archive 3.3 KB
Murrey Math Lines F2
Forex Trading System:Murrey Math Lines F2
Murrey Math Lines F2.rar
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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Joe Hickle (Saturday, 18 January 2014 14:07)

    I would like to study Murrey Math with xard777. Is xcalibur associated with your firm?

    thanks. Joe

Murrey Math Forex Strategies