17# Collection Trading Systems created by XARD777

Xard777 forex Trading Systems free download

Submit By Joy22


Free download Trading systems Xard 777 ( tpl with Indicators for Metatrader 4). Here there is a list of download Xard Trading system template tpl with indicators mq4 for Metatrader 4 . It easy by attach to the chart for all

Metatrader users..

Download an Trading Systems.

Extract from the file rar or zip.

Copy Indicators mq4 to Metatrader Directory / experts / indicators /

Copy Template TPL file to Metatrader Directory /template (tpl( /Start or restart your Metatrader Client

Select chart and Timeframe where you want to test your Template

Search "Custom Template" in menù chart/Template/....

Attach to a chart

For remove Template tpl from Metatrader chart:


Select the chart where is the running in Metatrader Client,

Right click into the chart

"Templates list"

Select the Template in use and delete.

The Forex System of this page are:

Black Gold Trading System,


My winner,

New FX Trading System,


Xard box,

Xard obos,

Currency Trader Trading System,

BDP v2 Trading System,


XPS v6 rc001.


Black Gold Trading System

black Gold
Trading System
black Gold.rar
compressed file archive 77.1 KB


Forex Trading System
compressed file archive 183.5 KB

My winner

My winner
My winner.rar
compressed file archive 52.2 KB

New FX Trading System

New FX
New FX.rar
compressed file archive 265.2 KB


compressed file archive 1.3 MB

Xard box

Xard box
Xhard box.rar
compressed file archive 128.4 KB

Xard obos

Xard obos
Xhard obos.rar
compressed file archive 123.8 KB

Currency Trader Trading system Xard777

compressed file archive 435.0 KB

BDP v2 Trading System Xard777

BDP v2
BDP v2.zip
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 520.0 KB


compressed file archive 116.8 KB

MT4 tpl & indicators Xard777

MT4 tpl & indys
MT4 tpl & indys.rar
compressed file archive 61.7 KB
Please try this fibo indy instead of the Daily fibo

You can set the new indy to GMT which is way much better and shows fibo extensions 127 & 161
compressed file archive 2.5 KB

XPS v6 rc001

XPS v6 rc001
XPS v6 rc001.rar
compressed file archive 425.5 KB

Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.

Comments: 6
  • #6

    Phúc (Friday, 11 March 2022 14:07)

    Thank you very much!

  • #5

    Janus (Thursday, 07 March 2019 18:46)

    You are troll Xard is one the best.

  • #4

    Cousupp (Monday, 25 February 2019 11:01)

    Tried some of your strategies on Demo-Account...
    Indicators repaint like hell.
    Your strategy "Only profits" is a joke, isn't it?
    8 out of 10 Trades were LOSSES!
    These setups aren't worth spending time on them

  • #3

    Chris (Saturday, 07 January 2017 13:38)

    I saw Art-of-Forex,
    should essre a great trading system but do not understand how to use, you can get some information?
    Yours sincerely

  • #2

    DD (Sunday, 18 December 2016 20:09)

    You do phenomenal work. I LOVE XARD-ART-OF-FOREX!!!!

  • #1

    Hida (Monday, 02 November 2015 06:30)

    There is error when extracting "Only_Profit2".
    Please check and reupload please.
    Thank you.

XARD777 Forex Strategies