271# Black Dog Trading System
Submit by Joy22
see Manual

Hopefully you will soon become a Black Dog Trader reaping the regular gains that we, the BD team and other BD owners, are starting to take for granted! I congratulate you on your wise investment and I hope that the Black Dog serves you well for many years to come, forming part of your trading arsenal in the constant battle with the forex market. The Black Dog Trading System (or BD from here on in) is the only strategy that I personally use, but it does no harm to have other big guns on your side enabling you to change tack and attack those markets from a new angle. I am all in favour of extracting profits no matter what it takes. It sure beats losing! But, like I say, the BD is all I need to make a comfortable living, so I’ll stay with it.
You have made a very wise decision in your investment. The strategy is currently performing very well and profits are made consistently. There is no reason to suppose that this will not continue indefinitely.
Please take the time to study the training material. The Black Dog team trades the strategy on a daily basis very successfully, this is achieved by following the rules of the system rigidly. It cannot be overstressed that diverging from the rules will probably result in failed trades. The rules are not difficult to follow, and there are only a few of them. They will protect you. The system works.
In the picture Black Dog forex system in action.
Black Dog

Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.
Nonthakorn (Saturday, 09 November 2024 16:34)
I am glad to find many trading systems here, especially the Black Dog trading system. Thank you to everyone who has shared it as a gift. I wish the owner of the system and the team who created it to be prosperous, wealthy, and healthy forever.
blackdog (Tuesday, 31 December 2019)
Yep, still trading - we have a brand new website - a new M! strategy - a new Trading Room - and all is rosy with the world..!!
Bruce (Monday, 18 February 2019 16:03)
Has anyone tried to convert the code to any other platform? im trying to code for ELD (TradeStation) with little success.
Guus (Tuesday, 25 December 2018 00:15)
I don't know how I rediscovered the black dog trading system. I bought that at least 8 years ago. Now I look at it with older wiser eyes, I realise that had I just worked hard on making that a success, I would have been already rich. Why I dropped it and bought tens of systems , good or bad, after that one, is a mystery to me. When I look now at it, it makes total sense to me. So I will pick it up again. But I was wondering: Is dave the master of hounds, still trading?
charles (Tuesday, 11 September 2018 15:23)
how do i install black dog`s mql4,tpl and ex4 files in mt4-metatrader,please advise.c.martin
h.b. tiggelman (Thursday, 03 May 2018 12:47)
One of the best systems on the internet.......for sure. Even this is an old version.
elhadi (Sunday, 09 October 2016 03:36)
Je veux charger des indicateurs