269# Training Wheels Trading System
Submit by Joy22 (Written by Andrew Sumner)
See PDF Manual
Time frame: Whatever you choose, from 1 minute to monthly. The indicators automatically adjust their parameters for different
timeframes, and the method works the same way for all of them. So pick a timeframe that suits your personality, the amount of time
you can devote to trading and the length of time you prefer to hold.
My preference is to enter and exit on either the 5 minute or 15 minute charts, based on the inherent noise level in the pair I'm trading –
the more random noise, the higher a timeframe is required. It works perfectly well on the 1 hour chart or higher. It also works on 1
minute charts if you are so inclined.
You'd trade exactly the same way on each timeframe. The quicker the timeframe, the more frequent your entries and exits, and the
tighter your stops and profits. If you trade really well you'll make a lot of profit, but you have to be super-disciplined and know what
you're doing. The longer the timeframe, the fewer the entry and exit points, but the greater the moves between them. Its your call
which you use.
Indicators: Use only those provided on the list in the next section. Don't add to them, as it'll just confuse things. If you find that
some in the list aren't helping you, then remove them - the simpler the better, and the less cluttered your screen the better you'll trade.
That said they're there to help you and each plays a specific role.
Do Not Chase The Market! If you've missed an entry, so be it. There'll be plenty more, and you're taking huge risks in chasing the
price. Don't do it.
In the pictures Training Wheels forex system in action.
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