722# Fleg MA Trading
Fleg Ma various templates for trading
Submit by Alienfx 10/12/2016
Fleg Ma is an indicator based on Moving averages and it's suitable for more strategies: trend following, trend momentum as filter or as entry.
The template that I shows are three:
Trend momentum with fx forecast,
Ultra Trend following with atr,
Binary options or HFT with trend arrows.
Time frame 15 min or higher.
Financial markets: any.
Expiry time for BO high/low 2-4 candles.
Metarader indicators for build the templates
Fleg MA (Ma period 1 7, MA period 2 17, ATR period 50 if true).
Trend signal 2.1
FX Forecast (OSMA 12, 26, 9 - MA1 9- MA2 45)
ATR (T1) 10-4.
Trading Rules Fleg Ma with Fx Forecast
Fleg MA, blue line above red line
Fx Forecast magenta bar > 0
Fleg MA, blue line below red line
Fx Forecast magenta bar < 0

Flag MA
Fleg Ma with atr filter
Fleg Ma blue line below red line
confirmed by Atr blue line
Fleg Ma blue line below red line
confirmed by Atr red line
leg Ma Binary options or HFT (high frequency trading)
Trading only in the direction of Fleg MA
Buy trend arrows
Fleg MA, blue line above red line
Sell trend arrows
Fleg MA, blue line below red line
Exit position is discretionary .
Note: these are only ideas for build templates for trading with Metatrader 4.