709# Ultra Momentum Trading
The power of momentum
Submit by Levkiy (Левкий) 23/09/2016
Ultra Momentum trading is an template for Metatrader 4 build with Strength Finder indicator programmed by Madlen. This template works with sideways market and medium trend market. This strategy is or intyraday and swing trading.
Time Frame 30 min or higher.
Financial Markets: any.
Metarader indicators
Strength Finder 2.01( EMA period 32, High/Low period 100, LWMA 6, LSMA25);
Strength Finder 2.02( EMA period 32, High/Low period 100, LWMA 6, LSMA25);
Strength Finder 2.02 MTF NMC ( EMA period 32, High/Low period 100, LWMA 6, LSMA25);
Tesla Trend indicator optional (Tesla signal minimun 50%).
Trading rules Ultra Momentum Trading
Strength Finder 2.01 line green color,
Strength Finder 2.01 above upper band,
Strength Finder 2.02 MTF NMC line green color,
Tesla indicator above 50 %.
Strength Finder 2.01 line red color,
Strength Finder 2.01 below lower band,
Strength Finder 2.02 MTF NMC line red color,
Tesla indicator above 50 %.
Exit position
Place profit target with ratio 1.1 stop loss.
Place initial stop loss on the previous swing high/low.
In the pictures Ultra Momentum Trading in action.
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