673# Forex Pro Indicator filtered

Ideas for trading with Forex Pro Indicator

Submit by Mark 30/01/2016


Forex pro indicator filtered, there are two idea for trading with forex pro indicator.

Why filter this indicator?


because otherwise it produces many errors and the trading account would be negative.

The filters proposed are two:

the first based on the indicator multifiter and the second on a two parabolic SAR.

The multifilter

The Multifilter indicator can be used in two ways: aggressive and conservative.

Aggressive for filtering the signals using only the square with the X and the square above it.

When these two are blue validation buy.

When these two are red validation sell.


Restorative for filtering the signals using the two squares and x.

When these three are blue validation buy.

When these three are red validation sell.


Multi parabolic SAR

Fast red, white long.

for buy

The arrow above the white dot

for sell

the arrow below the white dot.


You can use the fast red Sar for exit position.

In the pictures forex pro indicator with filters in action.

 Forex Pro Indicator with multifilter indicator
Forex Pro Indicator with multifilter indicator
 Forex Pro Indicator with two Parabolic SAR
Forex Pro Indicator with two Parabolic SAR
Comments: 3
  • #3

    Sunil kumarram (Tuesday, 02 July 2019 10:04)

    can any one share mql file of this indicator

  • #2

    chen (Tuesday, 21 May 2019 13:13)

    I have only the white dots of the p.sar, is there any special value i need to add to the indicator in order to get the red dots?

  • #1

    Jim (Sunday, 31 January 2016 14:55)

    Hi Mark , thank you for system . Do you think that Multifilter indicator repaint or not ? thank's !

In the folder forex pro indicator, multifilter, Nik parabolic SAR B Nov and Template.
fx pro indicator filtered.zip
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 30.1 KB