760# Rainbow Averages Strategy

Step one more averages

Rainbow filter for trend

Submit by Roger


Rainbow Averages Strategy is a pure trend following strategy for trading based on rainbow averages indicator that is a system of filter in trend. In this case the averages rainbow indicator is green for uptrend and pink for down trend. Other indicators for this strategy are buzzer and step ma arrow.

Find the pairs in trend. In side markets there may be false signals.

Time frame 30 min or higher.


Currency pairs: majors and minors.

Metatrader 4 indicators

Averages rainbow (26, 2, 10, 9).

Step one (25, 2.5, 0.5, 50).

Buzzer (period 20).


Trading rules Rainbow Averages Strategy


Price above the rainbow.

Step one buy arrow.

Averages rainbow green color

Buzzer blue line (optional).

Place initial stop loss on the previous swing low.

Exit at the opposite arrow or with predetermined profit target tha depends by currency pairs and time frame.



Price below the rainbow.

Step one sell arrow.

Averages rainbow pink color

Buzzer red line (optional).

Place initial stop loss on the previous swing high.


Exit at the opposite arrow or with predetermined profit target tha depends by currency pairs and time frame.

In the pictures Rainbow Averages Strategy in action.

Rainbow Averages Strategy
Rainbow Averages Strategy
Rainbow Averages Strategy
Rainbow Averages Strategy

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Comments: 2
  • #2

    Lilone (Wednesday, 28 October 2020 17:59)

    How do you make the arrows show because I cannot figure it out can someone please help me.

  • #1

    Lilone (Wednesday, 28 October 2020 17:58)


Rainbow Averages Strategy
Rainbow Averages Strategy
Rainbow Averages Strategy.rar
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