99# MBFX Binary System

Polynomyal regression with THV trix binary options strategy High/Low

Submit by Freddyforex 07/08/2014

MBFX Binary system is a strategy inspired at MBFX System there are some changes.

Time frame 30 min or higher.

Expiry time 6-10 candles dependens by volatility of the market.

Markets: Indicies, forex and Commodities.

Metatrader Indicators:

Polinomial regression or MBFX indicator (180 period);

THV trix;

ArZZX2 (3,12, 20, 21, 3);

AK Zig Zag pointer,

Buy Call conditions:

ThePrice action of the cuurecncy pairs (indicies..) touches the green lines on the chart;

The Joker filter indicator turns from red to green;

THV trix has least one green line.

When these conditions are agree buy call at opening of the next bar.

TIPS: Red is top lines no more buy

Buy Put Conditions

The price action of the currency pairs (indicies..) touches the red lines on the chart;

The Joker filter indicator turns from green to to red;

THV trix has least one red line.

When these conditions are agree buy put at opening of the next bar.

Tips: Green is bottom lines no more Buy Put or sell)

This setup of MBFX binary system is also good for trading without binary options.

In the pictures MBFX Binary system.

 MBFX Binary system.
MBFX Binary system.
 MBFX Binary system USD/CAD 30 min chart
MBFX Binary system USD/CAD 30 min chart
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