143# Binary Divergence Boom
Submit by MJ 05/07/2014
Bollinger Bands divergence indicator is a technical indicator based on Bollinger Bands (BB) which is a volatility indicator developed by John Bollinger was based on moving averages, and technical analysis of the divergence.
when the small circle appears in the upper band corresponding to a sell signal.
when the small circle appears in the lower band corresponding to a buy signal.
Trading with Bollinger Bands divergence indicator in trendig market
Trading with Bollinger Bands divergence indicator in trendig market
Time Frame 30 min or higher.
Markets: Forex, Indicies, Commodities.
For Binary Options High/Low expiry time 4-6 candles.
Metatrader Indicators:
Bollinger Bands divergence
Cloud: setting 250 for 30min and H1 time frame.
ADR 1 ( optional for intraday trading),
Bollinger Bands divergence indicator,
RSI filter (4 period).
When the market is in trending up, wait the following two conditions:
the small circle appears in the lower band and the price is in the green zone of the cloud;
first blue bar of rsi filter.
When the market is in trending down, wait the following two conditions:
the small circle appears in the upper band and the price is in the red zone of the cloud;
first red bar of rsi filter.
Note:this binary template work good in trending market.

Trading with Bollinger Bands divergence indicator reversal (for expert trader)
Time Frame 15 min or higher.
Markets: Forex, Indicies, Commodities.
For Binary Options High/Low expiry time 6-10 candles.
Bollinger Bands divergence (20, 2),
Bollinger Bands divergence (30, 3),
RSI 14.
Buy conditions:
Price bounce or broken lower Bollinger Bands,
RSI go below 30 level,
the small circle appears in the lower band,
entry when the price come back intro the bands.
Sell conditions
Price bounce or broken upper Bollinger Bands,
RSI go above 70 level,
the small circle appears in the upper band,
entry when the price come back intro the bands.
this binary template work good in sideways market.
You can use these template also for trading without binary options high/low.
Phúc (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 09:13)
Thank you very much !
thom (Saturday, 01 September 2018 06:41)
Please give me mq4 of bb.vv
WENDELL (Monday, 06 July 2015 21:59)
missing cloud indicator
piato (Sunday, 05 July 2015 22:54)
rsi filter missing.
Can you please upload the rsi filter for Binary Divergence Boom
victor (Sunday, 05 July 2015 22:34)
missing indicators