Submit by Louis 03/01/2013 (update)
Based on the formula developed by Patrick Mulloy
It can be used in place of EMA or to smooth other indicators.
DEMA = 2 * EMA - EMA of EMA
Red is EMA, Green is EMA of EMA, Yellow is DEMA
This is a strategy for swing trading
Time Frame 30 min or higher.
Currency pairs:any
FDM alerts
Dema yellow > Ema Green and EMa Red;
Awesome Green bar;
Excalibur green dot.
Dema yellow < Ema Green and EMA Red;
Awesome Red bar;
Excalibur red dot.
Write a comment
Khan (Wednesday, 02 March 2016 23:29)
Great wprk
James (Wednesday, 02 March 2016 23:30)
Yeah it is very important that we understand any strategy carefully especially if it's for scalping since in there we can easily get wiped out with one error, so our judgment has to be pin point and only then we will be able to win. I work with OctaFX broker and through their service, I get a lot of help especially with the 50% bonus on deposit offer, it is also use able too and with this lovely blog, we always get education about everything.